
The Astrology of E=mc2

It came in 1905 from a square from transiting Uranus in Capricorn at 3 degrees to Einsteins Mercury in Aries at 3 degrees. A rupture in his head that could have just as easily been a stroke and yet was a stroke, of genius. Albert Einstein formulated the equation for energy that equals mass times...

The Astrology of the Holy Rosary

Praying the Holy Rosary has lifted my life, healed my broken heart and strengthened my faith as nothing else on earth. The power of the Holy Rosary is watched over by the wisdom of Venus, the planet of mercy and love. 

The path of the planet Venus in the night sky is identical to the...

Praying with Planets

The planets pray for us, they are the mighty powers, the Elohim of the Torah and the Principalities of the Bible. Together they are the force that lives through us and they provide the coordinates for our life. When we pray, we reciprocate our careful intentions and aim our good will towards...

The Astrology of Benjamin Franklin

Taking it from the top, Benjamin Franklin has Venus conjunct his Midheaven in the corporate sign of Capricorn in trine to Saturn in his second house of income. This configuration gives him a mutual reception between Saturn sitting in the Venus ruled second house combined with Venus sitting in...

The Astrology of St. Teresa of Avila

With an anoretic ascendant at 29 degrees of Pisces conjunct an exalted Venus in retrograde, Teresa was born to walk the labyrinth of spiritual beauty. Venus can't reach for higher love than when she is in crises at the last degrees of noble, spiritual and breathless Pisces. Venus here is a...

Delicate Balance - The Astrological Chart of Playwright Tennessee Williams

Taking it from the top, Tennessee William's astrology chart shows Jupiter retrograde, the planet of expansion, luck, and fame, conjunct the Midheaven, point of public reputation, within one degree in the sign of Scorpio. This same Jupiter trines Neptune the planet of dreams, art and fantasy, in...

Laureate of the Outcast - On Tennessee Williams

Imagine yourself in the year 1929, a young man barely seventeen, softer than most...the sensitive type. You are in the upstairs quarters of your childhood home and from where you are standing you can see the cherry tree in the back yard through the bedroom window. This is the same cherry tree...

Time is a Chimeric Language

We can investigate through the study of astrology that 'time' is a 'chimeric language'. A Chimera comes from Greek mythology and represents an animal or beast with three or more sides. A lion with a dragons tail and wings, or a fire breathing goat with a man's torso and horses legs. Astrology ...