Time is a Chimeric Language
We can investigate through the study of astrology that 'time' is a 'chimeric language'. A Chimera comes from Greek mythology and represents an animal or beast with three or more sides. A lion with a dragons tail and wings, or a fire breathing goat with a man's torso and horses legs. Astrology utilizes chimeric symbolism by way of the Zodiac to illustrate time, express it's qualities and prove its operations. Astrology asserts we are Zodiacally 'dressed' using the chimerical nature of the Zodiac as reference material to describe our qualities and capabilities. Astrological language asserts we are one part Centaur, (Sun in Sagittarius) two parts Lion (Moon and Ascendant in Leo) three parts Scorpion (Venus, Mars and Saturn in Scorpio) and so on.
Neuroscientist and acclaimed author Leonard Schlain, wrote in 'The Alphabet Versus the Goddess', that the alphabet symbols, as letters, of ordinary human language are interpreted primarily through the left hemisphere of the brain. He asserts that reading itself is left brain dominant. I found this curious enough to wonder if based on his findings, reading astrological language may require a whole brain approach, because in addition to reading letters, interpreting astrology relies on understanding mythology, interpreting pictures, recognizing patterns, catching on to implied meanings and noticing themes. Astrology demands that we suspend our logical reasoning and enter logic through a side door. Once we re-enter we are invited to combine imagination with observation to bring forward, foresight.
Due to the paradoxical way that astrological language expresses itself, most people are hard-pressed to read it. Reading and interpreting astrological language requires mentally suspending our disbelief and opening our mind, uncomfortably. This discomfort of feeling 'outside the knowable' may account for the regular dismissal of astrology's effectiveness or plausibility. Some assume that if astrology can't easily be confirmed and measured by scientific reasoning that it must not be relevant. But nothing could be further from the truth. For starters, astrology does utilize scientific reasoning. That is how astrologers confirm astrological facts, by using the scientific method which begins with making observations. Then a hypothesis is formed based on those observations and next, conclusions are drawn that justify our findings. This process, above all else, requires a tremendous amount of time. An astrologer must focus for years on given phenomena to observe its repeatability and justify its causality.
When we begin to admire astrology as a unique language, we can then extend our thoughts to include the whole concept of time itself as being a language. We can imagine astrology, as the tool for measuring, defining and describing time, and we can imagine astrology's modus operandi being a discourse. This discourse implies that astrology is indivisible from time, like notes are indivisible from music. That indivisible connection between time and the stars can be viewed as a poetic symphony that is handed to us upon birth, meant for us to unfold from within, like a lotus blossom. We wrestle throughout our life, hitting the notes of these given circumstances as they play out and come to identify ourself through this invisible conversation. Over time we realize that we are made from a beautiful combination of stellar attributes that define our personhood, consciousness and path in life.
While many people would comment that they either "believe or do not believe in astrology," astrology viewed correctly as a language, does not require being 'believed in', just as math as a language does not require being believed in or languages themselves do not require belief in them. One would never say "I believe in French or Spanish," or ask for the French language or the Russian language to prove itself to us before we take the time to learn how to read, write and speak it. Astrology also, does not require believing in to be experienced. Although more complicated than other languages, astrology is like other languages in the sense that we are meant to interpret and utilize it as a means of communication.