Transit & Progression Reading

A Transit and Progression Chart reading is a forecast reading that discerns where you are growing and maturing in your life currently. We cover all planetary transits and discuss possible future developments. Transits are the measurement of time over time. If you (your birth chart) is a moment of time made manifest then a transit is how time is affecting you now and in the future. Transits use planetary motion to determine the current pressure and flow organizing itself around your natal chart. This describes the astrological weather that you encounter day to day. Progressions are calculations of planetary motions and alignments that allow an astrologer to predict when specific energies will affect you. This in an invaluable report that helps you know when to make important decisions, when to start your projects, when to plan on their fruition and what to prepare in the time ahead. This is my most popular reading.


$300.00 (60 minutes in depth)