Astrology Consultations

Natal Chart Reading

A Natal Chart is a photograph of the solar system at the moment you were born. This moment in time is the configuration of planets, stars and asteroids that make you, who you are. A natal chart uses this planetary alignment to describe how you are motivated and what mental and emotional processes you use to relate to your life experiences. The distribution of planetary energies is arranged by aspects. Aspects are geometric degree and angle measurements between planetary bodies that describe a specific quality of energetic, creative expression. These measurements have definitions that the astrologer interprets. A natal chart is an intelligent design. It is the blueprints of you and your souls expression here on earth. Order a natal chart reading to delve into your own psyche and to find out the elegant configurations and gifts given to you by the stars.  We cover all 12 houses of the zodiac, your planetary alignments and planetary aspects.

$250.00 (60 minutes in depth)

Transit and Progression Reading

A Transit and Progression Chart reading is a forecast reading that discusses where you are headed in your life currently. We cover all planetary transits and discuss possible future developments. Transits are the measurement of time over time. If you (your birth chart) is a moment of time made manifest then a transit is how time is affecting you now and in the future. Transits use planetary motion to determine current pressure and flow organizing itself around your natal chart. This describes the astrological weather that you encounter day to day. Progressions are calculations of planetary motions and alignments that allow an astrologer to predict when specific energies will affect you. This in an invaluable report that helps you know when to make important decisions, when to start your projects, when to plan on their fruition and what to prepare in the time ahead. This is my most popular reading.

$250.00 (60 minutes in depth)

Astrological Tutoring

Interested in becoming an astrologer? I offer step by step tutoring for beginning and intermediate level astrologers. We use your own chart to start the process! It’s a great way to get insight and learning about yourself and the universe on a weekly or bi/weekly basis. Astrology is a lifetime study. It is not something you pick up in a weekend. It is a vast, complex and mystifying learning process that once you enter, will change your life forever. I teach from all schools of astrology and can support all philosophical astrological leanings. My teaching style is geared toward each student personally. My style is eclectic and broad. We will learn about all of the astrological systems, Vedic, Esoteric, Evolutionary, Hellenistic, Humanistic, Electional, Mundane, Medical, Mythic, Psychological, Horary, and Alchemical Talismanic. You will get to choose what direction suits you best. 

$250.00 (60 minutes in depth)

Astrocartography Reading

An Astrocartography reading consists of measuring your chart to the map of the planet earth and delineating where the best and worst locations are for you personally. Invaluable information when considering a move and very helpful when deciding where to go for travel. Enhance your ability to create lasting and memorable experiences and assure yourself of success when traveling or moving. Astrocartography works from the premise of your birth chart and calculates how your personal aspects line up with planet earth. A fascinating study that helps guide you to your personal hotspots and deters you from possible danger zones.

$250.00 (60 minutes in depth)

Peformance as Medicine

Performance as medicine is an intimate and personal experience geared toward soulful self-acceptance. Through consultation on your astrological chart, I write and create a spoken word performance piece that you can use to express your natal chart and transits in a unique and unparalleled way. Sometimes we find ourselves in the trenches of our life and need creative opportunities to help us process and digest the gravity that we are facing. Performing from your chart is an opportunity to channel the energy the stars and planets are pouring through your life in a constructive and affirming way.  Performance as medicine is an act of personal power retrieval. It aims to reorganize your soul and reintegrate you with your own joy, humility and purpose. Take your power back when going through a difficulty, restore your soul after losing a job, and claim your joy, laughter and humility during a restrictive time. You can also simply celebrate the beauty that is you! The performance itself is the medicine of engaging your mythic, astrological picture from an empathic and soul centered perspective. When we love ourselves, flaws and all, we change our entire life. Performance as Medicine is an interpretation of nature’s symbolism, that creates a time of personal self-embrace.

Fill out my form, and I will respond to you with pricing.

Personalized Ritual and Ceremony

Are you preparing for an important event? Are you ready to propose? Need inspiration? Feeling disconnected with your life? Going through a loss or just bored? Sometimes we need to mark our life transitions with an event that lasts our lifetime. Sometimes we need to cherish ourselves in an unconditional act of courage. I create personalized rituals and ceremonies for people of all ages to enhance their self-love and to engage life on a sacred level. Depending on your needs or the size of your event, I work with you to create a memorable ceremony that celebrates your unique wish. Memories full of meaning and lasting empowerment are the goals of these specialized events. My ceremonies can be as elaborate or simple as your personal preferences require. I can design a complete adventure including fancy destinations or a picnic style gathering. The event of a personal ceremony enhances our meaning to ourselves and to each other. I interview each participant to find out what they love, what they need, and what they are all about. Then I personally organize ceremony and ritual to deepen self-appreciation and enhance relationships. It’s a beautiful way to strengthen ties with ourselves and our loved ones. I work with the planetary alignments and your natal chart, along with your personal religious or spiritual beliefs and cater to you as a unique and purpose-filled individual. 

Fill out my form, and I will respond to you with pricing.

Behavioral Kinesiology Diffusion

Created by Three and One Concepts leaders Gordon Stokes, Daniel Whiteside and Candance Callaway, this One Brain method of reversing destructive thought-based patterning in the emotional body is a revelatory experience. This is one of the most powerful techniques for freeing our self of unwanted emotional baggage that has ever come into being. Remote treatments are as effective as in person treatments. We use a kinesiological measuring technique (body testing) to locate where on a behavioral barometer you are currently resonating emotionally. We then locate a therapy for that specific emotional belief and diffuse the unhealthy patterning unconsciously creating your negative thoughts. Powerful and life changing.

$250.00 (60 minute session)

I Ching Reading

Ch ch ch ch Changes…No one really knows the exact origin of the Chinese I Ching or Book of Changes but common thought places it around the Yin Dynasty about 2900 BC. I use Carol K. Anthony’s translation and consider her book one of my most valuable possessions. You will need three of your own coins and I will guide you on how to ‘draw a hexagram’. The Hexagram is what is ‘read’ and includes specific advice regarding a specific question you have. The I Ching is an Oracle of the highest and most graceful wisdom on the planet. Use the I Ching reading when you want to free yourself of self-imposed egoic restrictions, when you need advice on how to proceed in a challenging relationship, business ordeals or for issues with parenting your children. The I Ching is a living mentor that will align you with your true ability to influence the circumstances you face. It is a wondrous and holy experience to engage with. The I Ching is designed to get to the heart of any matter. I highly recommend it in tandem with any astrological reading.

$250.00 (per 60 minutes) $75.00 If purchased with another reading.

Dream Interpretation

I use Carl Jungs method of dream interpretation to guide and broaden your understanding of your dream through careful symbolism analysis. Dream interpretation is the process of discovering the meaning that lives within our dreams. Throughout history the act of dreaming has been experienced as communication with the numinous and the divine. Jung believed our subconscious, intuitive mind worked to compensate for our daily lives and infused our conscious life with greater sustenance. Active imagination is a process created by Jung that engages the dreamer while awake and further investigates the dream through conscious participation with the dreams story and symbols in present time. It is an engaging and effective way of problem solving and self care.  Dream analysis can enhance our dreaming life as well, creating deeper and more satisfying dreaming experiences.

$250.00 (60 minutes)

Medicine Theatre

Medicine Theatre is a holistic, pataphysical (Alfred Jarry) style dramatic performance that uses multiple healing modalities, personal self- expression and original writings. As a theatre group we explore how to bring forward our most concentrated ideas through stories and theories and build them into performances that move and impact audiences in a soul centered way. It is an alluring and creative function of pataphysical performance and a healing one. 

Pataphysics was created by the French writer Alfred Jarry (1873-1907).  It is a superinduced metaphysics that aims to explain the Universe by the unfailing trust of imagination itself. It is akin to the art of Heyoka tribal performance where a fool or ‘backwards walker’ humiliates those intended for upliftment. It is a function of the absurd yet delivers itself classically. 

Are you familiar with Gurdjieff’s 4th way? It’s right up the street from here.

Medicine Theatre is currently in development…stay tuned.


Denver Metro Area