Praying with Planets

The planets pray for us, they are the mighty powers, the Elohim of the Torah and the Principalities of the Bible. Together they are the force that lives through us and they provide the coordinates for our life. When we pray, we reciprocate our careful intentions and aim our good will towards these energies. That act nourishes the force which in turn protects us by giving us the intelligence, creativity and inspiration we need to face the many decisions of our lives.

What are the astrological reasons for prayer and what happens to our lives when we pray? The answer, in a word, is propinquity.

Propinquity is a fancy way of saying 'proximity'.. it is an elegant word and also means "As close as we can get to God without touching". The painting by 16th century Italian artist Michelangelo named "The Creation of Adam", shows us this idea of propinquity, with Gods outstretched hand almost touching Adams outstretched hand. In that moment between man and God, lives a prayer. The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo

Praying invites our surrender and ignites our humility. Praying sends the Universe a signal that we are open to accept its blessings. The Universe is so completely intelligent, only it knows what serves our life in the best way. While we often think we know what is best for us, our unchecked certainty can lead us into strange and painful circumstances. Praying before we leap and listening deeply to life's advice, has a great baring on our success or failure. When we align ourselves with integrity we adhere to a divine system, that acts like scaffolding around our life. Within this invisible support system we unfurl and 'become', and learn to trust the ineffable. That courageous act bonds us, the seen, with God, the unseen into the greatest and most intimate relationship we will ever know.